
D&D 5E Modules: Tomb Raiders of Orek / Into the Royal Tombs

Created by Douglas Sun

Thank you for supporting Ramen Sandwich Press! If you missed our Kickstarter campaign for Places by the Way #11: Tomb Raiders of Orek and Places by the Way #12: Into the Royal Tombs, here's your chance to get the pre-order discounts — as well as discounts on our entire backlist and some goodies from Ramen Sandwich Tees!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Public Service Announcement with selfish motives
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 06:58:53 PM

Something I forgot to mention in the campaign description, and it may be of interest to those of you who take an interest in the official D&D campaign setting: Because WotC has opened up the Forgotten Realms to third-party publishers (though with more restrictive terms than the OGL), each Places by the Way module has a sort of doppleganger — a version that is set in Faerun, as opposed to being as setting-neutral as we can make it. We can only sell them through Dungeon Masters Guild, and they're only available in PDF. At the moment, they're marked down 25% as part of DMs Guild's Xmas in July sale. So if you're interested, now is the best time to snap them up! We can't offer them as a reward or sell them through Backerkit. 

Otherwise, this campaign progresses nicely. Work on the modules continues, and we're 84% funded and only 5 days in. Thank you for your pledges!

24 hours in, and we're halfway home!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 15, 2022 at 03:43:40 PM

I always like to post an update at the 1-day mark of a campaign. Even if there's nothing urgent to discuss, I like to greet the early backers and, if needed, round up anything I may have forgotten to mention in the campaign description.

So, then: Hello! Day 1 was good to us, as we are more than halfway funded after 24 hours. It's a good start. Welcome to everyone, old friends and new friends alike. If you're new to Ramen Sandwich Press, feel free to browse our website, and I would also point you to the Soundcloud link on my Kickstarter profile page. My friend (and longtime backer) Harold Buchanan was kind enough to interview me on his excellent gaming podcast, Harold on Games, at the risk of letting riff-raff bring down the tone of the establishment. It's a few years old at this point, but not entirely out of date.

At the moment, I'm still writing Tomb Raiders of Orek, but all of the locations are set in place and it's now a matter of fleshing out the details. Once the manuscript is polished up, I'll send it off to layout. Layout will probably start after our staff returns fromSan Diego ComicCon, and I will start fleshing out Into the Royal Tombs.

I'll post updates as developments warrant; those of you who have backed our campaigns before know that I don't like to flood you with updates, but progress reports and such always make their way out once or twice a week, or so. Welcome, and let's enjoy this ride together!